Student routes under the points-based system are for international students (including EEA nationals from 1 January 2021) who wish to come to the UK to study and experience life and culture in the UK. Student visas, for migrants coming to the UK to study after the age of 16.
Our specialist team of immigration Adviser can assist you in preparing your student visa application and ensure that you meet all the requirements of the Immigration Rules, in Appendix ST: Student. We can ensure that all key points are supported by documentary evidence, leading to a successful application and avoiding the unnecessary expense of resubmitting your student visa application to the Home Office.
To discuss your application with our Immigration Adviser, please contact us by chat or if you prefer by phone at +44 20 3846 2808 or +4475 2190 3003.
Eligibility for a student visa
As the Student Visa categories fall under the Points Based Immigration System, applicants will need to demonstrate that they have 70 points in total, i.e.; they must hold a valid Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from a licensed Sponsor with Sponsor registration with the Home Office and must also meet the maintenance and English language requirements.
Health Immigration Rate (IHS)
Pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)
How our immigration Adviser can help
We pride ourselves on providing a personalized service that meets our clients’ needs.
We are motivated, dedicated, and thorough in providing simple and easy to understand immigration information in a very credible manner as part of a professional and friendly service.
To discuss your visa application with one of our immigration advisers, please contact us by chat or phone at +44 20 3846 2808 or +4475 2190 3003.